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Nabídka končí 30. března
The Last Verse
The Last Verse
Audio Descriptions
Closed Captions
20243 min

Award-winning songwriting duo Robert and Richard Sherman wrote some of the most classic scores in history, including “It’s A Small World.” As his last contribution to Disney and to further influence the song’s message, Richard wrote a third, final verse for “It’s A Small World,” which is revealed after the track travels across the globe.

The Last Verse

Award-winning songwriting duo Robert and Richard Sherman wrote some of the most classic scores in history, including Mary Poppins, The Jungle Book, and the most-played tune around the globe, “It’s A Small World.” As his last contribution to Disney and to further influence the song’s message, Richard wrote a third, final verse for “It’s A Small World.” In this short film, we follow the track as it travels across the globe, passing from one person and generation to the next, until the final verse is revealed.

Délka:3 min
Datum vydání:2024

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