It's the power rangers to the rescue at turbo speed in their all-New motion picture adventure. Imbued with new turbo powers and driving custom-Designed turbo zords, the five superheroes battle an evil space pirate to save a wise and gentle alien--And the planet earth--From almost certain destruction.
Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie
The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are doing battle with the other-worldly villainess Divatox (Hillary Shepherd). She is the wife of an evil lord named Maligore who is imprisoned in an energy vacuum inside one of Earth's volcanos. Freeing him would mean doom for the universe. Divatox needs to bring a good wizard named Lerigot (Jon Simanton) to the volcano, because he has the key to unlocking the energy prison. Lerigot flees his planet and escapes to Earth just before Divatox's henchmen capture him. The five Rangers disguise themselves as ordinary teenagers, but their secret is discovered by ten-year-old Justin (Blake Foster), and he is allowed to don a power suit and become one of them. Zordon, the Power Rangers' boss, gives his crew extra powers to thwart Divatox, who with her pirates has captured a submarine. The showdown between the forces of universal good and evil includes plenty of karate and kick-boxing around a seething cauldron of lava.