Better Together
Better Together
20192 seasons

"Better Together" will touch upon the hearts of people of all ages who long for their childhood where their first love had happened to be their moms and dads, as well as recalling the true meanings of the words family, compassion, friendship, love and loyalty. The drama is coming in to tell an earthy tale to the grown up kids who never left the swing sets, and to share with them the recipe of the lemonade that is made out of the life's sourest lemons.

Better Together

“A Family Story” will touch the hearts of people of all ages, whose first love is their parents and who miss their childhood. It will remind you of the meanings of words such as family, compassion, friendship, love and fidelity. The series comes to share a recipe that turns the sour lemons of life into lemonade, and to tell a true tale to older children who never leave their swing.

Some flashing lights sequences or patterns may affect photosensitive viewers.

Release date:2019
Series Rating:
Season 1 Rating:
Starring:Songül ÖdenCelil NalçakanBirkan SokulluOlgun Tokerİrem SakElçin Afacan

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