UNESCO's Wonders
UNESCO's Wonders
20191 season

This documentary series will set off in pursuit of some of humanity’s greatest treasures. And they are indeed incomparable treasures. UNESCO World Heritage Sites are, quite simply, the most beautiful places our planet has to offer us.

UNESCO's Wonders

This documentary series will set off in pursuit of some of humanity’s greatest treasures. And they are indeed incomparable treasures. UNESCO World Heritage Sites are, quite simply, the most beautiful places our planet has to offer us. Each episode, filmed in a different country, will explore a selection of sites - treasures of art and architecture, of ancient civilizations, and of nature - with the intention of highlighting their intrinsic beauty along with the impact of their historical and geographical context. Because World Heritage is not just a list of places, but the legacy left to us by those who came before, and that we will in turn leave to those who follow. It is the historical memory of our planet.

Release date:2019
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