20241 season
Moon Girl is dropping knowledge and dropping bars as she uses the power of science to take down some serious baddies in these new musical shorts.
Moon Girl's Lab
Moon Girl is dropping knowledge and dropping bars as she uses the power of science to take down some serious baddies in these new musical shorts.
Release date:2024
Series Rating:![6](https://prod-ripcut-delivery.disney-plus.net/v1/variant/disney/B01436946249CB0EBC8CCE1511B8D218E628992CD1EEC708AED8D8DDA9696C20/scale?width=200&format=webp)
Season 1 Rating:![6](https://prod-ripcut-delivery.disney-plus.net/v1/variant/disney/B01436946249CB0EBC8CCE1511B8D218E628992CD1EEC708AED8D8DDA9696C20/scale?width=200&format=webp)