My Best Friend’s Story
My Best Friend’s Story
20201 season

Zhu Suosuo and Jiang Nansun have different family backgrounds and personalities, but are equally beautiful and intelligent. Jiang Nansun is born in a wealthy family in Shanghai. Zhu Suosuo is from an ordinary family. The two girls get to know each other at school and become good friends. They support each other, and not only do they live their lives fully, each has her own golden years.

My Best Friend’s Story

Zhu Suosuo and Jiang Nansun have different family backgrounds and personalities, but are equally beautiful and intelligent.

Jiang Nansun was born in a wealthy family in Shanghai. Although she was well- provided for since childhood, she was never pampered by the elders as her grandmother prefers male offsprings. Zhu Suosuo is from an ordinary family, left at her uncle's place by her father. She lives alone after her father remarries.

The two girls get to know each other at school and become good friends.

After graduating from university, both thrive in their respective paths. Then the Jiang family falls into trouble and Suosuo's marriage is on the rocks. Courage, hard work and kindness prevail in their friendship as both live their own golden years.

Release date:2020
Series Rating:PG
Season 1 Rating:PG
Starring:Shishi LiuNi NiTony YangDaoming Chen

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