When the government threatens to strip them of their land, a group of desperate elders contact a forty-year-old man who proposes to attract tourists to save the town by making the world believe that a UFO has crashed into their village.
UFO Factory
The few elderly people still living in the ruined mining town of Ogarrio del Cobre want to attract tourists to pay off their debt to the government, which is threatening to dispossess them of their lands. In desperation, they involve Dalí Montoro, a forty-year-old who uses lies as a shield to hide that his life is a failure, especially to his son Marvin, whom he wants to believe he is not a loser. Dalí's mission, supported by the villagers, is to fake a UFO has crashed in Ogarrio, as indicated by the prophecy of the millionaire cult of the Pleiadians of Ashtar whom they plan to attract, along with other curious people so they can bring money into the village.
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