Mobile 101
Mobile 101
20221 season

Based on real-life events, Mobile 101 is the story of the uncertain first steps of a small Finnish electronics company that became a global titan of the mobile phone industry.

Mobile 101

Based on real-life events, Mobile 101 is the story of the close calls and uncertain first steps of a small Finnish electronics company which would become a global titan of the mobile phone industry. In 1988, Nokia is a small electronics company hoping to conquer the world with its new mobile phone technology. Katarina and Aki, idealistic and ambitious young lawyers, are thrust into the challenge of an international court case when the U.S. giant Motorola sues Nokia for patent infringements. At the same time, Nokia engineer Risto sets out to design a better and smaller mobile phone, the 101, which will change the world forever.

Release date:2022
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