First published in 1988 by Weekly Shonen Jump, Rookies, a story about teenagers created by Masanori Morita that received overwhelming support, has now been made into a drama series. Depicted in this drama are a passionate teacher who changes the lives of delinquent students through baseball and the growth of these high school students as they awkwardly try to make their way back into the world. Together, the passionate teacher and the students aim for the Koshien baseball tournament.
First published in 1988 by Weekly Shonen Jump, Rookies, a story about teenagers created by Masanori Morita that received overwhelming support, has now been made into a drama series. Depicted in this drama are a passionate teacher who changes the lives of delinquent students through baseball and the growth of these high school students as they awkwardly try to make their way back into the world. The passionate teacher aims for the Koshien baseball tournament together with these delinquents, as he encourages them to get excited about their dreams. Enjoy this hit drama with an all-star cast, including Ryuta Sato, Hayato Ichihara, Keisuke Koide, and many more.