After her parents’ divorce, 13-year-old Rosa van Dijk lives with her mother in Den Bosch. Rosa's mother is having a baby with Alexander, who lives in Groningen. She decides to move in with him and Rosa must come along. She adores her half-brother, but she is less fond of her brand-new stepfather, whom she secretly calls Monkeyass. How is she going to survive this?
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Rosa is thirteen. She is sensitive, creative and has a sense of humor. But she is also good at worrying, dissatisfied with her appearance, insecure and shy. Rosa's mother wants them to live together with her new boyfriend, so they move to Groningen, where Alexander lives. Rosa hates that. She must leave everything she knows behind, including her best friend, Esther. She has to go to a new school where she doesn't know anyone, and live in the house of Monkeyass! Basically, she needs a lot of things she doesn't want. How will she survive this?