Excerpts from the diaries of 30 renowned figures of the 1900s - ranging from Franz Kafka to Kurt Cobain, from Ernesto Che Guevara to Eva Braun, from Nikolaj Romanov to Virginia Woolf - are dramatized by actors as part of a long blog format – average length three minutes – that also includes film clips and library footage.
Novecento: Il Secolo Estremo
Excerpts from the diaries of 30 renowned figures of the 1900s - ranging from Franz Kafka to Kurt Cobain, from Ernesto Che Guevara to Eva Braun, from Nikolaj Romanov to Virginia Woolf - are dramatized by actors as part of a long blog format – average length three minutes – that also includes film clips and library footage. 15 actors and actresses use only their voices and faces to bring to life the 30 diary writers, who were young and old, men and women, Italian and foreign, all convinced that what had taken place was worth recording for posterity. This short collection of 30 diaries opens a format in which it will be possible to involve hundreds of authors and diaries of all countries and ages.