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While working at a funeral parlor, Lim discovers a mysterious book that contains a Book Spirit, and it decides to give him winning lottery numbers and financial advice. The winnings are meager at first, but as his fortune increases, things start to get complicated.
Greedy Ghost
Whilst at his workplace, Lim discovers a wordless, mysterious book that contains a Book Spirit, and it decides to give him winning lottery numbers and financial advice. The winnings at first are meager and quickly deplete as Lim shares them with his two chums, Huat and Hui, who excavate bones from old graves for a living. Not wanting to turn from sudden riches to rags, Lim approaches the Book Spirit once more. Lim agrees to pay the price for his riches although he is uncertain what it would be. As Lim's life gets better and more lavish, he becomes increasingly dependent on the Book Spirit, seeking its advice in everything. Soon, the Book Spirit reveals the price Lim has to pay for all his acquired riches. Little does he expect, the richer he gets, the closer he is to his death.