Coming of AgeFantasyAnimationSuper HeroAction-Adventure
When Inferno's powers are stolen by a young and powerful villain, it's up to the Secret Warriors to defeat their new foe and help their friend.
Marvel Rising: Playing With Fire
When Inferno's powers are stolen by a young and powerful villain, it's up to the Secret Warriors to defeat their new foe and help their friend.
Release date:2019
Genre:Coming of AgeFantasyAnimationSuper HeroAction-Adventure
![Violence / Fear](https://prod-ripcut-delivery.disney-plus.net/v1/variant/disney/A62B02118D972CE7AB3FD551F876717F9CBE92D6327BFD89F1C75430A4E1CC73/scale?width=200&format=webp)
Director:Sol Choi
Starring:Dee Bradley BakerDove CameronGary ColeKathreen KhavariMeera Rohit KumbhaniTony Mirrcandani