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Turkish Tastes with Refika
Turkish Tastes with Refika
20181 season

Refika Birgül explores the topics of our food culture from everyday life in her dishes and gives us recipes about food and life. She uses her creativity to bring back the forgotten and neglected local ingredients, the main characters of her recipes. She creates new recipes while preserving the traditions of our rich culinary culture, on the one hand, and breaking the rules on the other.

Turkish Tastes with Refika

Refika Birgül explores the topics of our food culture from everyday life in her dishes and gives us recipes about food and life. She uses her creativity to bring back the forgotten and neglected local ingredients, the main characters of her recipes. She creates new recipes while preserving the traditions of our rich culinary culture, on the one hand, and breaking the rules on the other.

Release date:2018
Series Rating:
Season 1 Rating:

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