Spies In Their Eyes
6Closed Captions
198723 min

Laivasto syyttää Aku Ankkaa vakoilusta ja maanpetoksesta.

Spies In Their Eyes

When the remote guidance system of Scrooge's secret submarine is stolen, the Navy accuses Seaman Donald Duck of espionage and high treason. Donald is in the process of being court-martialed, as Scrooge and the Nephews hastily follow a path of foreign intrigue in exotic Singapore. Their efforts lead them into and Out of classic spy situations, the least of which involve a Eurasian duckette with hypnotic eyes and a vicious international terrorist. In the end, though it took incredible effort, Scrooge is thankful he followed his gut feeling about Donald, rather than the irrefutable evidence that Donald did indeed commit treason.

Kesto:23 min
Pääosissa:Joan GerberWill RyanHal SmithRussi TaylorAlan Young