Los Angeles teeters on the brink of disaster when two greedy criminals manipulate a boy's supernatural powers for their own devious gain. But the boy's sister and a streetwise band of truants join forces to try to save the city from destruction.
Return from Witch Mountain
Automobiles mysteriously fly and humans float in thin air as sinister masterminds Christopher Lee and Bette Davis unleash a diabolical plan. The entire city of Los Angeles teeters on the brink of nuclear disaster when the greedy criminals manipulate a young boy's supernatural powers for their own devious gain. But the youth's sister and a streetwise band of truants join forces in a desperate attempt to save the city from destruction.
Duration:1h 34m
Release Date:1978
Genre:Science FictionAction and Adventure
Director:John Hough
Starring:Bette DavisChristopher LeeKim RichardsIke EisenmannJack SooAnthony James