National Geographic Dyr og natur Background Image
National Geographic Dyr og natur Title Art Image


  • thumbnail - Secrets of the Octopus
  • thumbnail - Hvalenes hemmeligheter
  • thumbnail - Magic of Disney's Animal Kingdom
  • thumbnail - Meet the Chimps
  • thumbnail - Dyrehjelpen i Alaska
  • thumbnail - Hostile Planet
  • thumbnail - Præriehundenes rike
  • thumbnail - Hvitulvens rike
  • thumbnail - Rocky Mountain Animal Rescue
  • thumbnail - Dyrehagens hemmeligheter
  • thumbnail - Dyreakutten
  • thumbnail - Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet
  • thumbnail - Den fantastiske dr. Pol
  • thumbnail - Usannsynlige dyrevenner
  • thumbnail - Great Migrations


  • thumbnail - Tiger
  • thumbnail - Tigers on the Rise
  • thumbnail - Kinas skjulte kongeriker
  • thumbnail - Ville Portugal
  • thumbnail - Ekspedisjon Amelia
  • thumbnail - Sea of Shadows
  • thumbnail - Menneske mot hai
  • thumbnail - Hvithai på jakt
  • thumbnail - Kjempene i havet
  • thumbnail - Big Sharks Rule
  • thumbnail - Håpets hav: Amerikas undervannsskatter
  • thumbnail - Hammerhai-monsteret
  • thumbnail - How Dogs Got Their Shapes
  • thumbnail - Store kattedyr duellerer
  • thumbnail - Sharks of Lost Island

Veterinærer og kjæledyr

  • thumbnail - Problemhunder
  • thumbnail - Rocky Mountain Animal Rescue
  • thumbnail - Dyreakutten
  • thumbnail - Den fantastisk dr. Pol: Blue Ribbon Kids
  • thumbnail - How Dogs Got Their Shapes
  • thumbnail - Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet
  • thumbnail - Den fantastiske dr. Pol


  • thumbnail - Baby Sharks
  • thumbnail - Sharks That Eat Everything
  • thumbnail - Sky Sharks
  • thumbnail - Camo Sharks
  • thumbnail - Maui Shark Mystery
  • thumbnail - Haiangrep: Paige Winters historie
  • thumbnail - The Croc That Ate Jaws
  • thumbnail - Shark Beach with Chris Hemsworth
  • thumbnail - Shark vs Surfer
  • thumbnail - What the Shark?
  • thumbnail - Shark vs Whale
  • thumbnail - Sharks of The Bermuda Triangle
  • thumbnail - 50 Shades of Sharks
  • thumbnail - Most Wanted Sharks
  • thumbnail - Secrets of The Bullshark