Nosso Lar 2: Os Mensageiros
Nosso Lar 2: Os Mensageiros
14Closed Captions
20241 h 50 min

André Luiz joins a group of spirit messengers from Nosso Lar tasked with rescuing endangered projects and the people who are leading them. The mission thrusts them into the lives of three protégés whose work on Earth will affect the future of Nosso Lar. Based on the works of spiritist medium Chico Xavier, this is a sequel to “Astral City: A Spiritual Journey.”

Nosso Lar 2: Os Mensageiros

Doctor André Luiz joins a group of spirit messengers from the spiritual city of Nosso Lar, led by Aniceto, on a mission to help save three projects that are on the verge of failure. Together, they dedicate themselves to caring for three protégés whose stories are intertwined: Otávio, a promising medium who is diverted from his mission; Isidoro, the leader of a spiritualist house; and Fernando, a businessman responsible for financing the project to create the spiritual workshop on Earth. Based on the works of spiritist medium Chico Xavier, this is a sequel to “Astral City: A Spiritual Journey.”

Some flashing lights sequences or patterns may affect photosensitive viewers.

Duração:1 h 50 min
Data de lançamento:2024
Classificação:14ViolênciaDrogas lícitasTemas sensíveis
Realização:Wagner de Assis
Elenco:Edson CelulariFelipe de CarolisFábio LagoRenato PrietoVanessa GerbelliFernanda Rodrigues

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