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优惠将于 2024 年 9 月 28 日新加坡时间下午 2:59 结束
M18Audio DescriptionsClosed Captions
202345 分钟

A doctor decides to stop Vincent’s feeding without informing his parents or siblings, sending shockwaves through the family. Some family members oppose the decision and enter into a legal battle armed with some of France’s most ruthless lawyers. Unable to resolve the situation, the courts send the case to the highest levels of the French legal system. The law is in danger, and Vincent’s case could affect the 1,700 other people in the country with severe brain injuries.

From Family Feud to Affair of State

A doctor decides to stop Vincent’s feeding without informing his parents or siblings, sending shockwaves through the family. Some family members oppose the decision and enter into a legal battle armed with some of France’s most ruthless lawyers. After thirty-one days without a feeding tube, it is decided that Vincent should be connected again. Unable to resolve the situation, the courts send the case to the highest levels of the French legal system. The laws surrounding end-of-life issues are in danger, and Vincent’s case could affect the 1,700 other people in the country with severe brain injuries. A new law is voted on.

时长:45 分钟
