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优惠将于 2024 年 9 月 28 日新加坡时间下午 2:59 结束
PG13Audio DescriptionsClosed Captions
20235 分钟

LEGENDS recalls a handful of hair-raising highlights from the inaugural season of “What If,” Marvel Studios’ most surprising series that explores the Multiverse and the countless mind-bending narratives it has to offer. Let The Watcher be your guide on this astonishing journey, one that includes an encounter with the famed Guardians of the Multiverse.

Guardians of the Multiverse

We all know the stories; they’re truly legendary, passed down from generation to generation. Who doesn’t remember the classic tale in which Peggy Carter took the super-soldier serum and transformed into Captain Carter? Or what about that unforgettable yarn where T’Challa grew up to become the intergalactic outlaw known as Star-Lord? If you’re thinking that none of this sounds quite right, well, you’re quite right. These things did occur, just not within the confines of the universe we’re most familiar with. LEGENDS recalls a handful of highlights from “What If,” a surprising series that explores the Multiverse and the countless mind-bending narratives it has to offer. The Watcher is your guide on this astonishing journey, one that includes an encounter with the Guardians of the Multiverse.

时长:5 分钟
