202344 分钟

Ever since receiving a mysterious ‘delivery’ of a booming noise at midnight and a maggot-ridden civet carcass, Wulan and her family’s life is never the same anymore. In Bogor, Esa helplessly watches Mr. Bondan, his father, terrorized by an invisible entity. Are these two events related?

The Parcel

One night, Wulan is awakened by a booming noise on her roof. The next morning, she finds a maggot-ridden civet carcass there. This sequence of events kicks off the changes in Wulan and her affluent, modern, harmonious family. Wisnu, Wulan’s little brother, suspects that their family is cursed, something Wulan is skeptic about. Meanwhile, Mrs. Astuti, Wulan’s mother, is overwhelmed by Wulan’s called-off wedding, a few months prior to the story. Upon realizing it, Wulan feels guilty. But thanks to her father, Mr. Ahmad manages to comfort her. Meanwhile, in Bogor, Esa helplessly watches on as Mr. Bondan gets attacked by an invisible entity. Is there any connection between what happened to Esa and Wulan?

时长:44 分钟
主演:Deva MahenraMikha TambayongLukman SardiImelda TherinneJustin Adi WinataHingka Moedra
