A 22-month anthropological expedition to the African continent. The 'Gauchos del Mar' Azulay brothers travel in a 1985-model military ambulance from Spain to South Africa. The objective is to encourage human relationships through an unprecedented surfing exploration, promoting cultural exchange in this vast and diverse continent.
African Territory 2
A 22-month anthropological expedition to the African continent. The 'Gauchos del Mar' brothers (Joaquín and Julián Azulay) travel in a 1985-model military ambulance from Spain to South Africa. The objective is to encourage human relationships through an unprecedented surfing exploration, promoting cultural exchange in this vast and diverse continent. The scars left by colonization, civil wars, the rampant social inequality, political instability and overexploitation of resources turn the continent into one of the most intense in the world. From now on, Africa will set the rules.