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The Talent
The Talent
202315 min

Tommy is a shy, overlooked production assistant working on the set of a high-end car commercial. When movie star David arrives to feature in the commercial, Tommy follows a trail of breadcrumbs that might just lead him to stardom, to David, and to the truest version of himself. 'The Talent' is a tense exploration of masculinity, ambition and desire.

The Talent

Tommy is a shy, overlooked production assistant working on the set of a high-end car commercial. When movie star David arrives to feature in the commercial, Tommy follows a trail of breadcrumbs that might just lead him to stardom, to David, and to the truest version of himself. 'The Talent' is a tense exploration of masculinity, ambition and desire.

Dĺžka:15 min
Dátum vydania:2023

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